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  • How long will the candy take to arrive?
    Please choose the correct postage options when ordering, from Letterbox Friendly 2nd Class to Next Day Delivery. (Next Day Delivery orders must be made before 12pm) Email as at if you need any help with this.
  • Do you have any discount codes?
    Not currently. However, our 'CANDY CLUB' does slash the cost from 20 to 25%, including the exclusive 'Flavour of the Month'. Don't miss out, joining the 'CANDY CLUB' for just £2.20 today! (Not including postage costs)
  • Where can I buy the candy from?
    Our delicious goodies are currently available from the 'Scweet Shop', as well as local, independent shops, across the UK. We will also be featuring our treats at Foodie shows, once the restrictions have lifted....WATCH THIS SPACE!
  • Any competitions coming up?
    Absolutely! Our Instragram feed will be bursting with posts over the coming months, as we drop regular competitions to grab yourself some FREE GOODIES! We will also be launching an exclusive candy flavour, to help raise fund for 'The Gambian Schools Project' in the coming week.
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